
Object Networks been providing quality programming services since 1983. Located in Las Vegas, Nevada, Object Networks’ team members use Cincom’s VisualWorks Smalltalk, Pharo Smalltalk, Java, Clojure, Scala, Python, R, Rust, and Ruby to develop applications for businesses in the United States and Europe. We use such disparate tools as PGSQL, Glorp, MongoDB and Neo4j, though new graph databases have been evaluated for performance.  We started using Agile Programming practices in 2003, so we’ve been at it for a while. We have developed applications in the fields of finance, utilities, healthcare and for large ISPs. See the about page for more information. For information on the realm of data science, see the website DataSci Las Vegas .

Please check out the Object Networks blog for further information about the company. There’s also a site for open source software we’ve released at Objectnets Open Source.

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